An enterprise is organic. It evolves with the changing business landscape. As such, the software that the enterprise depends on must evolve as well. Disus uses the deep experience and custom tooling gained over 25 years of Infor LN and Baan development to to harmonize the software based on client requirements. In addition to being an accredited Infor PSO source code partner for the Infor LN and Baan, we can draw upon a portfolio of hundreds customizations, automations and interfaces to design and develop the best solution for the client’s needs. The focus of our services is to add value by customizing Infor LN and Baan to work smoothly with users’ business practices and to develop additional functionality to address specific needs. Disus can perform new customizations and maintain/upgrade existing customizations in very productive, cost-effective manner.
Software that fits
Companies invest great effort implementing enterprise software in order to enhance their efficiency and achieve competitive advantage.
Frequently, these companies discover a conflict between essential business processes/practices and the logic of the ERP application. This conflict poses a dilemma for managers – modify the business to fit the software or customize the software to fit the business?
With over 25 years of enterprise software experience, Disus has demonstrated that the second option, customization, can result in significant business benefits.
Customizations implemented by Disus harmonize the requirements and strengths of the clients’ business with the requirements and strengths of the ERP application. With a deep understanding of both these realities, Disus is able to help clients implement enterprise software in ways that meet business needs yet retain the benefits of the software. We’re experienced at meshing business needs with ERP in such areas as:
- Finance
- Manufacturing
- Product Configuration
- Procurement
- Planning and Order Management
- Service
Our efficiency was being killed by the volume of Baan transactions. Disus solved the problem with the most cost-effective IT project we’ve ever done”
Outside the Box
The case of the ‘virtual single company’ (VSC) illustrates how Disus helped a client harmonize their business practices with BaanIV ERP software.
An efficient single company/multi-site organization is difficult to implement ‘out-of-the-box’. An exchange of goods between two facilities can only be implemented as ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ transactions between separate Baan companies. This constraint results in complexity and excessive overhead and paperwork.
Disus’ solution for a client facing the dilemma of ‘Business vs Software’ used our expertise to create a virtual single company (VSC) by means of a small, extremely efficient customization. Through the VSC, multiple locations and facilities conduct virtual intra-company, instead of inter-company, transactions. The client preserved their flexible business methods while gaining the many benefits of the ERP application. Small wonder the client touted their VSC implementation “the most cost-effective IT project we’ve ever done.”
Efficient customizations such as the VSC produce significant benefits. And the care taken by Disus to make customizations small and localized minimizes the long-term maintenance and upgrade costs that often go hand-in-hand with customizations.
VSC is just one of many Disus customizations that help our clients benefit from enterprise software and improve the return on their investment.
Explore Our Services
Disus services help companies to fully harness the power of their enterprise systems.